Getting all emotional over Goodness 2.0
My personal favourite moments from NMK's Goodness 2.0 event, written for the NESTA blogs. Goodness 2.0 was all about how charities, non-profits and NGOs can make use of 2.0 tools and techniques. My main take-away from the event was about the power of the social web to share with the world some truly amazing stories, like the one about a violinist who wanted to give directly to the people who needed it most, rather than giving indirectly through a charity (links below). It moved me to tears.
... there was one big takeaway for me: Steven Buckley's intro with the water buffalo story. Check the NMK blog for details, or watch the video yourself...I love stories like the water buffalo story. It's things like this and the Free Hugs movie that make all this social web stuff worthwhile.
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